Job Titles

Only registered members or licencees may practise engineering or geoscience independently in New Brunswick. In order that the public can be assured that qualified individuals are practising, only registered members or licencees can use the title or designation: “Engineer / Geoscientist”; “Professional Engineer / Professional Geoscientist”; or the abbreviations “Eng / Geo” or “P.Eng. /P.Geo.”.
- The titles Member-in-Training / Engineer-in-Training / Geoscientist-in-Training or their accepted abbreviations (MIT / EIT / GIT) can only be used if the individual is officially recorded in the Member-in-Training Program with this Association.
- Titles for MITs such as Junior Engineer, Graduate Engineer, Assistant Geoscientist, etc. are not acceptable.
Examples of recently revised job titles where the word “Engineer/Geoscientist” has been replaced:
- Project Engineer / Project Geoscientist changed to Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Project Analyst, Project Leader, Project Specialist. Please note, “Engineering or Geoscience Specialist” is not acceptable.
- Software Engineer to Software Developer, Software Designer, or Software Analyst.
- Technical Engineer to Technical Officer.
- Junior Engineer / Junior Geoscientist to Engineering Trainee / Geoscience Trainee, or Junior Designer or Junior Field Specialist.
For MITs, the department name may be used, e.g.:
- Metallurgical Process Engineer to Metallurgical Process Engineering.
- Quality Assurance Engineer to Quality Assurance Engineering.
It is acceptable to denote a university degree following your name, e.g. “B.A.Sc.”, “B.Sc.Eng.”, or “B.Sc.”.