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Retirement and Leave
Retired / Other
- Unemployed and currently seeking employment
- A full-time student
- On parental leave
- Temporarily disabled
- Permanently disabled
- Retired (from any profession, including outside of engineering or geoscience)
Resign / Transfer
- Resign from APEGNB
- Transfer your membership to another jurisdiction
You will need to advise APEGNB in order to remain in good standing with the Association and in order for us to adjust your fees and CPD requirements.
Please complete the Request for Reduction of Dues form found on the myAPEGNB portal.
If you resign or transfer your membership, you will no longer be entitled to practice engineering or geoscience in or for application in New Brunswick, nor use the title “Engineer”, “Professional Engineer”, “P.Eng.”, “Geoscientist”, “Professional Geoscientist”, “Geo”, or “P.Geo” in New Brunswick. Please complete the Resignation Form found on the myAPEGNB portal.
If you have retired with no employment income and wish to switch to retired status, you will be able to continue to use your title, but you may not practice. Your annual dues will be reduced to ¼ full dues if your request is approved by Council.
If you return to employment from leave or if any other changes occur in your employment status, you are required to notify APEGNB. If you wish to return to practice from retirement, contact registration@apegnb.com.