Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
“The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick is committed to fostering a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion within our professions as we work to protect the public interest. Together, we share responsibility for creating a sustainable, equal-opportunity environment where everyone can achieve their full professional potential.”
– APEGNB Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We are committed to engaging the best minds of the profession, which includes women, Indigenous peoples and internationally educated professionals to ensure everyone has an equal chance of success in their chosen field. As expansive industries, it is important to inspire action toward developing an inclusive culture for current and future generations of engineers and geoscientists, and truly reflect Canada’s diverse society.
Increased diversity and inclusivity within the engineering workforce provides significant benefits by delivering a solution to overcoming skills shortages, increasing innovation capacity and providing a greater return on human resource investment.
30 x 30 initiative
We support Engineers Canada’s 30 by 30 initiative, which has a goal of raising the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 per cent by the year 2030. Thirty per cent is held as the tipping point for sustainable change—reaching 30 by 30 will help drive cultural change in the engineering profession, supporting even greater involvement of women in the profession.
For students and teachers
Outreach is an integral part of engaging and inspiring the next generation of engineers and geoscientists. Increasing student interest through outreach and engagement activities ensures the sustainability of these professions.
We offer resources, volunteer and interactive opportunities to engage with students in middle and high schools, as well as post-secondary institutions to positively impact our future generations.
For employers
Research shows many companies are struggling to ensure women are represented fairly in top management and in retention numbers. Progress toward gender parity remains slow and the engineering profession is one of the few licensed professions where men continue to vastly outnumber women.