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What is aPEGNB?
Founded in 1920, (APEGNB) took responsibility of regulating New Brunswick’s engineering profession and in 1999 assumed the regulation of the geoscience profession as well. APEGNB has over 5,700 engineers, geoscientists, engineers-in-training, and geoscientists-in-training registered.
Our registrants work in more than 30 different engineering/geoscience disciplines – from designing and creating energy-efficient buildings and faster computers to ensuring New Brunswickers have access to clean drinking water and have safe and responsible mining practices.
Our Mission
To protect the public interest by regulating practice and to maintain public confidence in the professions.
Our Vision
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick leads the professions as a trusted, integral resource in regulatory matters.
APEGNB is governed by the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act. The Act gives the Association the right to:
- Regulate the practice of engineering and geoscience, and to govern these professions in accordance with the Act and By-Laws;
- Establish and maintain standards of knowledge and skill among its members;
- Establish and maintain standards of professional ethics among its members, in order that the public interest may be served and protected.
Protecting the Public
APEGNB protects and serves the public interest by:
- Ensuring all licensed professional engineers and geoscientists are qualified;
- Disciplining professional engineers and geoscientists found guilty of professional misconduct or incompetence;
- Taking action against unlicensed individuals or entities who illegally describe themselves as engineers or geoscientists or provide these services;
- Preparing performance standards in regulation.
Diversity & Inclusion
To APEGNB, diversity means engaging the best minds of the profession, which includes women, Indigenous peoples and internationally educated professionals. The APEGNB statement on diversity is as follows:
“The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick is committed to fostering a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion within our professions as we work to protect the public interest. Together, we share responsibility for creating a sustainable, equal-opportunity environment where everyone can achieve their full professional potential.”